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Wine Tasting: Roeseblum Cellars

All the times that I buy wine and try to find the right one, tell me why I haven’t been to a wine tasting vineyard or tasting room period until now. I’m not making this up, I was trying to go to the one in San Diego with this coupon but that didn’t work out (but I will still order that Mango wine, just you wait and see). After fun day at the International Women’s Day hosted by Sol Sister, we all decided to go wine tasting Roseblum Cellars.

Roseblum Cellars is location in Jack London Square right next to the Ferry. This is so a nice place. We all grabbed a table, chosen which wine we wanted, Flights ranging from $18 to $20. So for flight drinks you get to sample four different wines. For my choice I have chosen the Rockstar Flight. These were all red wines and one of the wines called Maggie’s Zinfandel 2013, Sonoma County was the house wine of the month.

The atmosphere was amazing! We all talked about our jobs, life, dating, you name it. For me, it felt so nice to just been women my age, going out on a Saturday and having a great time. I honestly don’t have that type of things when I’m here in the Central Valley. It was a great feeling. And also wine tasting will never be the same again because of my #Message about guys and comparing us ladies to wine. So what had happen was…

I was on a good tipsy high when we were taking about guys and they just want to sample. So being myself I stated, “Well if they want us, they need to buy the whole bottle.” Everybody turned and looked at me. I continued, “Think about it… we are not Flight drinks [pointing at our glasses] for half price. If they want us they [guys] needs to buy the bottle full price.” All the ladies so agreed with that stated and wine tasting will not be the same. How do you know, well our friend Analicica guy friend stop by to joined us and when the waiter came by and ask what he wanted he said “I want a bottle” and we all started to laugh. Yes he wanted the bottle.

This was a great way to end a nice girl’s day out. The only thing that I would request is can we get some complimentary cheese and crackers for first time wine tasting people like myself and then I’ll keep buying the other stuff. Until next time OneSelfers!

Roeseblum Cellars Information

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